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Our team has known each other for a long time. Since the seventh grade to be exact. We were the best of friends and did everything together. But one thing was wrong. One time when we were hanging out together Kenzie got a call from her husbands company saying he had been injured in space and there was a chance he would not make it.  That ended our night of fun but had also sparked something in all of us. A need to step up and help so we formed a company based on a TV show we were watching where a princess named Consuela was sitting in a hammock eating a banana (P.C.B.H). Pretty funny right but when then decided to do something more professional so we made it stand for Programming, Constructing, Building, and Hard-working. Anyway, we joined forces and with our invention we decide to make it space themed of course because it would be helping Astronauts in their time of need. With the funds from our foundation Kenzie's husband was sent into a costly surgery that saved his life. That's why we here at P.C.B.H have built the stars aid for an Astronaut in need of help that may have a family at home waiting for his/her return and any Astronaut at all. 



We take place in many extra curricular activities to expand our experience in many different things

We are just five girls that are working hard to achieve our goal of being able to make our dreams come true and expand our business and minds.

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